
About Us

Context and objectives

The CIRAD applied mathematics and computer sciences community (MIA) involved in plant functional and structural plant modelling and analysis (FSPM) was a pioneer in this field. Born with the appearance of the AMAP laboratory, this specific community, which became a UMR, has expanded over time and developed platforms and models that are worldwide recognised (AMAP software range, GreenLab model, OpenAlea platform).

This multidisciplinary theme faces with new socio-environmental, and hence scientific and methodological challenges. Firstly, with the rise of genotyping, the paradigm of varietal selection has changed significantly. Secondly, the challenges of adapting to climate change and agro-ecological transition have made the biological systems that need to be understood and improved more complex and diverse. Modelling of plants and stands, and in particular functional structural plant modelling (FSPM), is becoming essential, as it makes it possible to:

The scientific challenges are numerous and interdisciplinary: how to process and analyse the huge volumes of data produced by the various sensors and simulation models? How to extract knowledge and produce knowledge? How to integrate this information obtained at different levels of observation? How to couple mechanistic models with empirical approaches obtained through learning? What tools should we mobilise or design and make available? How can we ensure the quality and appropriateness of the models’ outputs with respect to the objectives?

Although skills exist in Montpellier and at CIRAD, they remain partial, highly fragmented and over-subscribed on various topics, making it impossible to respond effectively to these major issues. However, the international recognition of the work of the AMAP and AGAP units means that the BIOS department has real leadership potential in the field of structure-function analysis and modelling of plants in their complex agro-ecosystems in support of major socio-environmental issues, particularly in the South. Faced with the increasing competitiveness on the international scene, this potential requires the structuring of resources in terms of the distribution of roles, skills, interactions and the identification of future needs. A framework is proposed, at the initiative of the AGAP and AMAP units, central to this dynamic; it should involve, in the medium term, the Montpellier partnership community, and beyond. The framework is called MaCS4Plants, an applied mathematical and computer sciences network for the multi-scale structure-function modelling of plants in their agro-ecosystem.

Scientific objectives

The objectives of this local R&D network in applied mathematics and computer science around the modelling of complex biological systems are to


Scientific outreach

The UMRs have a long experience of structural and FSPM approaches; they are based on pioneering and original positioning, making the most of advances in knowledge and techniques in the formal sciences and thematic advances. Today, the originality of the approaches is based on combined and mixed approaches. With the network, the scientific influence will benefit from software dissemination and scientific animation.

Software development and dissemination of a virtual research environment

A virtual research environment (VRE) will bring together modelling and experimentation tools for the structure-function modelling and simulation (FSPM) of plants in their agro-ecosystem. It will be mobilised and disseminated through the system’s partnership network to ensure its impact and visibility and to strengthen its network of collaborations.

Animation of the community

The objective is to animate this research and technological community around the FSPMs at the internal, local, national and international levels by organising conferences, seminars, research schools and thematic training courses in the North and South. In terms of scientific animation, the members of the network, at the initiative of the international PMA and FSPM conferences, will have to consolidate this dynamic and to deploy it in a local context. The network will also facilitate software animation actions around the OpenAlea common platform, FSPMs models and tools, in the form of face-to-face workshops, webinars and during international conferences.

Training offer

The network’s training offer will be aimed at biology and maths-info students and researchers. The objective is to train students in the North and South to mobilise them (internships, theses) and ensure the next generation of researchers in the field, as well as researchers for the culture of impact and the transfer of methods.

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