ARCHIMED-φ is used to simulate the biophysical processes such as leaf irradiation, transpiration and temperature and ultimately carbon assimilation of plants or any 3D object in a scene. By doing so, detailed information can be integrated from the individual leaf scale up to the individual plant scale, even within complex stands such as agroforestry systems. Simple numerical methods are used for solving multiple feedback between light, energy, water and CO2 transfers at leaf, plant and plot scales. Numerical calculations applied at different scales allow simple implementation of complex models involving intricate processes.
Try it !
ARCHIMED-φ is a Java application, so it runs on any architecture. You can head over this link to download example data and the ARCHIMED-φ executable that you have to put at the root of the example data repository.
Then open a terminal and execute the following:
java -jar archimed-phys.jar -p config.yml
You can then visualise the results using e.g. PlantGeom or XPlo .
This software is distributed under the L-GPL license. A full description of the license can be found here .
Link to the official documentation