


OpenAlea.HydroRoot is a hydraulic root architecture modelling and a root architecture system generator package.

Try it !

You can simply test HydroRoot installing it in a conda environment:

conda create -n hydroroot -c conda-forge -c openalea3 openalea.hydroroot
conda activate hydroroot

This will also install the following dependencies: openalea.mtg, openalea.plantgl, openalea.visualea, RSML, pandas > 0.17, numpy, scipy.

Once installed, you can also try the embeded visual workflow examples using Visualea.


You can build a root, run the hydraulic solver and display the eat map representation of the incoming local radial flows on an arabidopsis root in the PlantGL viewer.

from hydroroot.display import plot
from hydroroot.main import hydroroot
%gui qt
g, primary_length, total_length, surface, seed = root_builder(order_max=1)

K = ([0,0.2],[0.0,1.0e-2])
k = ([0.0,0.2],[300.0,300.0])
g, surface, volume, Keq, Jv_global = hydroroot(axial_conductivity_data = K, radial_conductivity_data=k, order_max = 1)
plot(g, prop_cmap = 'j')


This package is distributed under the CeCILL-C license. A full description of the license can be found here .


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