


A pure Julia package to simulate biophysical processes for plants such as photosynthesis, conductances for heat, water vapor and CO₂, latent, sensible energy fluxes, net radiation and temperature.

The benefits of using this package are:

Try it !

Start by creating a new environment for your project using the pkg manager. To enter the package manager, just press ] in the REPL, and it will become blue (press backspace to return to the Julia REPL). Then create the environment using this command:

activate .

Don’t forget the “.”! It is used to tell the pkg manager that you activate the project were you currently are.

You can then install PlantBiophysics using this command (still from the pkg manager):

add PlantBiophysics


Here is an example usage with a simulation of the energy balance and assimilation of a leaf:

# Import the package so we can use it:
using PlantBiophysics

# Declare the meteorology for the simulated time-step (also possible to import meteo files):
meteo = Atmosphere(T = 22.0, Wind = 0.8333, P = 101.325, Rh = 0.4490995)

# Using the model from Medlyn et al. (2011) for Gs and the model of Monteith and Unsworth (2013) for the energy balance:
leaf = ModelList(
    energy_balance = Monteith(),
    photosynthesis = Fvcb(),
    stomatal_conductance = Medlyn(0.03, 12.0),
    status = (Rₛ = [13.747, 14.5], sky_fraction = 1.0, PPFD = 1500.0, d = 0.03)

energy_balance!(leaf, meteo)


For a more extensive documentation and tutorials, please head over the official documentation website .


This package is distributed under the MIT license. A full description of the license can be found here .

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