


PlantSimEngine is a package for the simulation and modelling of plants, soil and atmosphere. It is designed to help researchers and practitioners prototype, implement, test plant/crop models at any scale, without the hassle of computer science technicality behind model coupling, running on several time-steps or objects.

The package defines a framework for declaring processes and implementing associated models for their simulation.

It focuses on key aspects of simulation and modeling such as:

Try it !

Start by creating a new environment for your project using the pkg manager. To enter the package manager, just press ] in the REPL, and it will become blue (press backspace to return to the Julia REPL). Then create the environment using this command:

activate .

Don’t forget the “.”! It is used to tell the pkg manager that you activate the project were you currently are.

You can then install PlantGeom using this command (still from the pkg manager):

add PlantSimEngine


Here’s a simple example of a model that simulates the growth of a plant, using a simple exponential growth model:

# ] add PlantSimEngine
using PlantSimEngine

# Import the examples defined in the `Examples` sub-module
using PlantSimEngine.Examples

# Define the model:
model = ModelList(
    status=(TT_cu=1.0:2000.0,), # Pass the cumulated degree-days as input to the model

run!(model) # run the model

status(model) # extract the status, i.e. the output of the model


This package is distributed under the MIT license. A full description of the license can be found here .


Vezy, R., (2023). PlantSimEngine: A Simulation Engine For The Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(86), 5371,

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